Wrapping snippets around selected text

What if you don't like my half-snippet method?

It turns out the internet is a great village, full of intelligent persons, some even more intelligent than yours truly...Intelligence is defined here as the talent to

create a solution in its simplest possibe form, but no simpler - Albert Einstein

So, while strolling around in this village, to my delight, I discovered a great solution by a man called Janspeed :

Cut selection (Ctrl+X/Cmd+X) -> Type tag -> Paste (Ctrl+V/Cmd+V)

He calls it the fastest solution.
He's probably right, especially for people used to select/highlight text first.
Instead of "Type tag" we can of course "Type snippet"... making this method even quicker.

I love this kind of creativity!  😎

( Btw, here's an eye-opening article: the fastest ways to select text .)

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