About my Geany snippets

Over the years, I've been using several different editors to do my web writing. And several methods: traditonal html, emmet, markdown, wysiwyg...

But I keep coming back to my all-time favorite combination: the lightweight, but powerful Geany editor with snippets installed. With Geany, writing your own snippets is very easy: just replace the default "snippets.conf" with your own.

Most html or code editors come with snippets built-in or offer a plugin and allow you to add your own. But, in my experience, only Geany makes it lightweight, fast and reliable. I am not trying to "sell" Geany (or anything...) to you. It's just that it is difficult to hide my enthousiasm for this robust solution.

Don't be put off by the long list of tag snippets. (There are many more possible! See e.g. the amazing snippets.conf by Zhaolin Lau in the links below...) In real life though, you only need a handful of them to write anything. Think of the typical web rich-text editor's menu-bar. Most of them only have buttons for font-size, bold, italic, image, link and not much more.

I once joked only two tags are needed to write a novel: <p> and <h2>!

Live preview?

I couldn't live without it. While writing, I have auto-save on... Geany has the left side of my screen, while the browser sits in the right half, acting as a preview screen. It refreshes every 3 seconds.
(<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="number of seconds before refresh">)

Made with 💜

Bertvee 2024
